The transaction that a locked resource is associated with is said to hold or own the lock. (我们称与被锁定的资源关联的事务持有或拥有该锁。)
Mode: Specifies the type of access allowed for the lock owner as well as the type of access permitted for concurrent users of the locked data resource. 方式:指定了锁的拥有者所允许的访问类型,以及对锁定数据资源的并发用户许可的访问类型。
One common problem is a deadlock ( a "deadly embrace"), in which programs get stuck waiting for each other to release a locked resource. 死锁(“抱死,deadlyembrace”)是常见的问题,在这种情形下,程序会因等待对方释放被加锁的资源而无法继续运行。
Other militias come from communities locked in resource disputes. 还有一些民兵组织是为争夺社区资源而成立的。
Locks have different modes that specify the level of access other transactions have to the locked resource. 锁有多种模式,这些模式指定其他事务对锁定资源所具有的访问级别。
In response to finishing the locked target in Guangdong province producing new advantages, stepping into the communism modern world in advance and pushing development of water-related economy coordinately, development strategies of water resource in the new century has been planned out by the officials of Guangdong province. 为适应广东省争创新优势,更上一层楼,在全国率先基本实现社会主义现代化的整体目标要求,促进水利经济协调发展,广东水利提出了新世纪水利发展战略。
Based on digital delay-locked loop, the mix signal technique is used to implement the digital delay locked loop with the resource control technique. 以数字延迟锁相环为基础,并采用数模混合技术,实现了带电源控制的数字延迟锁相环。
In the long run, the private enterprises will not only fail to build up core competitiveness, their original efficiency advantage will also be lost, and finally be locked in a path of development which is heavily relationship and resource dependent. 长此以往,民营企业的核心竞争力就无从谈起,效率优势也将丧失殆尽,最终被锁定在依赖于关系和资源的发展道路上。